Spirits and Glaciers
Alaska 2022

Spirits and Glaciers

Loading the car the next morning was put on hold when we spotted a pair of bald eagles on the neighbouring roof, too good an opportunity to miss. We had heard their distinctive call the day before so we knew they were around and we watched them for a while,...
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‘Bearly’ containing my excitement
Alaska 2022

‘Bearly’ containing my excitement

Our path south took us along the Turnagain Arm again where the tide was perhaps not as low as we had seen previously but conditions were not optimal for a tidal bore either. High tide or not it was a spectacular drive and we decided to capitalise on the (relatively)...
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Alaska 2022


On our last day in Seward miserable weather persisted, check out was at 11 am and the train didn't leave until 6 pm - not a good combo 😒 Without a car we were literally homeless for several hours and so scurried between coffee shops and anywhere else that was...
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Kenai Fjords
Alaska 2022

Kenai Fjords

We arrived at the Seward wharf at 0800 as instructed for our 8.5 hour Northwestern Fjord Tour which traverses the more remote regions of the Kenai Fjords National Park including, amongst others, the Northwestern Glacier.  We heard for perhaps the tenth time that 'this has been a very wet August'...
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Getting our land legs again
Alaska 2022

Getting our land legs again

On our final cruise day itinerary we cruised up Disenchantment Bay to the Hubbard Glacier - North America’s largest tide water glacier. It is over 120 kms long and 11 kms wide and on a clear day a very impressive vista. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a clear day, instead persistent...
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Cruisin’ 3
Alaska 2022

Cruisin’ 3

We woke to another somewhat drizzly day and the ship was in the process of docking at Skagway.  Skagway has been a bit of a headache for the cruise ship industry in recent weeks as a major landslide occurred in the vicinity of the docks and has necessitated alternative arrangements...
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Cruisin’ 2
Alaska 2022

Cruisin’ 2

Our next stop was Juneau. Juneau, not Anchorage, (a much larger city) is actually the capital of Alaska and is not even accessible by road! The population is only a little over 32,000 and they are heavily reliant on tourism like all of these isolated communities, so the pandemic and...
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Alaska 2022


On a bright sunny Wednesday Sam drove us to Vancouver from where our Alaskan Inside Passage cruise was to depart the following day. We stayed at an old favourite in downtown Vancouver, the Sunset Inn and found a great French themed restaurant just around the corner for dinner. Boarding the...
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Crystal Mountain and Tipsoo Lake
USA 2022

Crystal Mountain and Tipsoo Lake

Sam had another action packed day planned for Tuesday, starting with the short drive up to the Mount Rainier Gondola - a tiny misnomer considering it actually climbs Crystal Mountain - which then affords a stunning view of Mt Rainier amongst others. Bodhi had never been on a gondola before...
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Mt Rainier short break
USA 2022

Mt Rainier short break

We’ve been in Seattle just over a week, long enough to reset our body clocks to the Northern Hemisphere and noticing that it takes a bit longer these days 😉 After attending Johnny’s wedding down in Oregon last weekend, (38C but fabulous) Sam suggested a short break to show us...
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