Sea plane, want flight!

The weather gods were kind on Sunday, our one full day in Vancouver. After a late (entirely forgivable) start, we were off to organise some internet connectivity with Rogers. This turned out to be a lengthy exercise but eventually both iPads were online and we strolled down to the waterfront where many tourists and locals alike were enjoying the beautiful weather.

We found a great lunch spot overlooking the sea plane ‘airport’ and struck up a conversation with some very friendly locals at the end of out table. Rosey was keen to do a scenic flight (and I was prepared to fork out more than a hundred bucks if it saved me riding a bike around Stanley Park) so the friendly local got on her ‘cell’ and we were booked for 5pm!

It was absolutely worth every dollar – a great novelty taking off and landing on water and perfect conditions to include Vancouver and a quick foray into the nearby mountains.

After landing we couldn’t think of a better place to celebrate our flight and watch the city skyline light up so we went back to the same bar….

A local recommendation earlier in the day had been for “Nook,” an Italian eatery conveniently situated below our apartment so we ambled back and dutifully wrote our names on the growing list for a table on the blackboard out front.

We weren’t waiting long before being shown to the chefs table overlooking, you guessed it, the chef! An entertaining and delicious meal followed, we can highly recommend the gnocchi and the daily special pizza.


Monday morning saw us on the bus to collect our rental car and eventually heading north, en route to Jasper. The drive was scenic and uneventful, petrol cheap ($CAD 1.25 L) and we arrived in Clearwater for our overnighter in time for Rosey to run 5ks around the oval. I enjoyed watching her 🙂









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