Apologies to those who have never watched the Twilight movies (or read the books) who won’t understand the title of this page, but for those that have, today we were headed for Forks, home of Bella and Edward 😊
Sam did a great job of negotiating our way out of Portland and we soon reached the state line, leaving Oregon and crossing into Washington ( not to be confused with Washington DC , the nation’s capital.)
The first part of our journey took us through mainly rural scenery through the best named town, Humptulips (!) but eventually we turned back toward the coast in time for lunch on the not so imaginatively named ‘Beach 2.’
Continuing on after lunch it wasn’t too long before we arrived in Forks.
Forks is a small town (3,500 in the 2010 census) originally supported by the timber industry but in recent years has seen a huge influx of tourists due to the Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series being set in Forks “the rainiest town in the US.”
We stocked up on groceries here and then twenty minutes further on crossed the treaty line into Quilleute territory, La Push, and our cabin on the beach.
Our two bedroom cabin afforded direct beach access and we all immediately remarked that two nights weren’t going to be enough!
We has s’mores and wine with a beach fire and slept with the sound of the Pacific crashing in to shore.
Sam and Bonnie had plans for an adventurous hike the next day at Ozette, but Russell and I opted for the 1.2 mile hike into Third Beach – the day was overcast, not that conducive to photography but stunning all the same.
We reconvened for another beach fire after dinner, the cloud had eventually cleared by late afternoon and we were treated to another beautiful sunset.
The next morning we reluctantly ( that word again!) packed up and checked out, bound for Lake Sutherland in the more northerly part of the Olympic Peninsula and checking out the Hoh rainforest along the way.
Although the drive today was a relatively short one, stunning scenery and then tedious roadworks meant that when we worked out which tiny track matched the address we were looking for, it was about 4pm when we unlocked the door to our next rental at beautiful Lake Sutherland…..