Kidnapped by Katut

Following the Saree 'fit on' I was crossing the road out the front of the hotel when a smartly dressed young man struck up a conversation with me and said he had seen me at our hotel where he worked.

He seemed pleasant enough, telling me how wonderful the Australian people had been post tsunami and asked if I had been to the Gangarayama Temple which amongst other things, ran an orphanage for tsunami orphans that Australian agencies had been largely involved with. I said no and before I knew it he ad flagged down a tuk tuk and we were lurching down side streets to the temple which he assured me was 'not far away madam!'

He was right and the main room containing several very large Buddhas is only open on certain 'festive' days of which today was one. The whole complex was quite extensive containing a museum ( with thousands of Buddhas made of all types of materials), a library and there was even an elephant chained up waiting for his part in the festivities.

I received a blessing bracelet from an old man plus one for my 'sick husband' ( I did donate an Australian $5 note, but wasn't asked) and then we were back to pick up our shoes and take off the very glamorous sheet that I'd had to wear to cover my legs!

At this stage my 'friend' informed me that if we went to the Gem Bureau and showed my ticket to the temple, any sales resulted in a percentage going to the orphanage. I protested mildly that I didn't need any gems but conceded that I would spend 'three minutes madam' listening to the spiel. The Bureau is the only place in Sri Lanka where the gems are actually certified by this Government agency to be what they say they are!

(Sri Lanka is famous for its gem deposits both precious and semi-precious and it is only diamonds, emeralds and opals that are NOT found on this small island.)

Having convinced my friend and the salesperson that I must get back to my sick husband I finally made my escape…. But not before my 'friend' asked me whether I wanted to 'party party' with him if my husband was so sick!!

What can I say, I've still got it!! Lol.

Back at the hotel Russell was indeed still feeling poorly and so I dined on the balcony, solo. No party party for me.

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