Due South
Northern Territory 2023

Due South

All too soon our quick taste of Kakadu was over and we turned southward toward home, although we wouldn't be home for a couple of weeks yet. Our next stop was the much anticipated (by me anyway) Bitter Springs where we were lucky enough to snag the last powered site,...
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Katherine and Kakadu
Northern Territory 2023

Katherine and Kakadu

A couple of days later we were parked up in the Boab Caravan Park, having crossed the border and travelled the scenic Victoria Highway into Katherine. Katherine provided our first opportunity for decent shopping for some time and also an opportunity for an approved Jayco repairer to have a look...
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Lake Argyle
Western Australia 2023

Lake Argyle

With two nights allocated to explore Lake Argyle itself, we hit the ground running. After checking in to the Lake Argyle Caravan Park (and possibly being allocated the only two sites in the park with no shade) we drove a short distance to visit the Argyle Homestead Museum, housed in...
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Kununurra and beyond
Western Australia 2023

Kununurra and beyond

Heading north west from Kununurra we drove toward the small township of Wyndham for a day trip. First though, a little detour en route took us to The Grotto, a pretty gorge reached by descending 140 steps with no safety rail for the faint hearted 😜 Wyndham was established in...
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Purnululu (Bungle Bungle Ranges) and we reach Kununurra
Western Australia 2023

Purnululu (Bungle Bungle Ranges) and we reach Kununurra

We had arranged to meet with John and Steph at a free camp known as Ellendale Lagoon, situated on a private cattle station and a couple of hours drive south east from Derby. It was a very picturesque spot and by lunch time we were parked at water's edge next...
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Derby and Horizontal Falls
Western Australia 2023

Derby and Horizontal Falls

I had managed to secure a great discounted deal for another bucket list activity - Horizontal Falls - but it wasn't the tour that departs Broome, instead leaving from Derby. After checking out of our Broome CP it was a relatively quick drive 220 kms north to Derby including several...
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Western Australia 2023


We had originally booked a week in Broome but scrolling through tourist brochures that I had picked up in caravan park laundrys along the way, I had begun to think that wasn't going to be enough. Subsequently we had rung and extended by a couple of nights and I was...
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Red and dusty day 3
Western Australia 2023

Red and dusty day 3

Our last day at Karijini and I was determined to get wet today despite there being no other willing particpants in our group 😉 We planned to tackle Dale's Gorge, the one our campground was named after, the closest to us and home of the famous Fern Pool and Fortescue...
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Red and dusty part 2
Western Australia 2023

Red and dusty part 2

After a good nights sleep we were ready to tackle day 2 of Karijini and drove over to the visitor centre for maps and tips. We had heard of the infamous Banjima road (they sell a T shirt saying "I survived Banjima Road") which the helpful lady in the visitor...
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Red and Rusty get red and dusty
Western Australia 2023

Red and Rusty get red and dusty

Leaving the coast behind, today we entered the Pilbara, en route to Karijini National Park which seemed to be on everyone's "must see in WA" list. To break up the journey from Exmouth we had overnighted in a free camp and then along the way caught up with a familiar...
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More aquatic activities
Western Australia 2023

More aquatic activities

On our way out of Shark Bay we made a brief stop at Shell Beach - a beach made entirely of tiny fragments of the Fragum cockle - conditions here render the water twice as saline as the sea and this is the only organism that thrives here with no...
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National Parks
Western Australia 2023

National Parks

North of Yanchep was totally new territory for me so I was more excited than usual as we headed off on the Indian Ocean Drive toward Cervantes. The road was in excellent condition and we made good time, stopping for lunch in Lancelin and then pulling into Cervantes mid afternoon,...
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On the trail of giants and murals and giant murals
Western Australia 2023

On the trail of giants and murals and giant murals

We knew the great weather couldn't last forever and as we left Augusta to continue northwards rain hit with a vengeance. The little town of Cowaramup which had looked cute when we had passed through previously was still worth exploring but more than a little damp. The highlight (apart from...
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Repairs, wine, caves and elephants?
Western Australia 2023

Repairs, wine, caves and elephants?

The drive up to the burbs was uneventful and we checked in to our rather 'cosy' spot in Coogee Beach mid afternoon after stopping for lunch in Bunbury en route. The CP was in a great location and we explored the nearby marina and then watched the fisherman down on...
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Forest and fauna
Western Australia 2023

Forest and fauna

Albany was wet, very wet and in fact as we set up for our one night stay it actually hailed! Not that conducive to site seeing but there was one spot I had to re visit having last seen it 41 years ago - the iconic Dog Rock. We found...
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Western Australia 2023


With Easter coming up fast we belatedly began searching for a ‘home’ for this busy weekend and eventually locked in Bushlands Holiday Village in Esperance. Not the fanciest and with questionable Telstra reception and internet but with ‘large sites and friendly managers.’ This left us with two nights to kill...
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Westward Ho
Western Australia 2023

Westward Ho

Hello friends! Red and Rusty are on the road again, this time chasing the setting sun toward Western Australia with our fellow motorhoming friends, John and Steph. So far en route we have stayed at some familiar spots including Port Augusta, the great free camp at Wudinna, Ceduna and our...
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The home stretch
Alaska 2022

The home stretch

We never actually saw the mountain that Denali National Park is named after whilst in the park. Denali - "the high one" in the local Athabascan language, is shrouded in clouds most of the time . Our guide told us that ninety percent of people that visit Alaska don't see...
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Alaska 2022


For the next two nights we would be based about 20 kms south of Denali National Park and Preserve. I had done a lot of research about Denali (previously Mt. McKinley National Park) which is six million acres of wild country, inclusive of Mt. Denali (more about that later) and...
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Alaska 2022


Leaving Matanuska Glacier we had a long drive to Fairbanks which would be the most northerly point on the itinerary. For the most part we had the road and its stunning scenery to ourselves.   Fairbanks is Alaska's second largest city and the coldest city in the US. It is...
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